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The repositioning of the EPP on key EU policy areas and an electoral strengthening of the center-right ahead of the EU elections of 2024 may lead to a substantial impact on the direction of certain EU...

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AI will greatly facilitate policy making and PA work by taking over the repetitive, boring part of the work, so that the experts can focus on the more rewarding part of the job, like strategizing and...

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Find out the main takeaways from our exchange with Prof. Simon Hix, author of several EU textbooks and currently teaching at the European University Institute, on the current and future political tren...

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In order to get a strong head start into the new legislative term, stakeholders need to start knowing and engaging with the potential new MEPs as early as possible. We are collecting information from...

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As EU institutions scramble to finalise the legislative agenda before the electoral campaign kicks-in, significant fault lines are emerging in the EU Council especially on the Green Deal agenda. Votin...

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CEO & founder of EUmatrix, Doru P. Frantescu, speaks on Euronews about the start of the electoral year in the EU, the key topics of the campaign and the likely outcomes.

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Our forecasts concerning the future re-structuring of the European institutions after the 2024 elections. See the balance of power between the political factions and chances for current Commissioners...

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This report outlines our preliminary forecasts concerning the future re-structuring of the European Commission, including an exclusive outlook on the future chances of re-appointment of individual Com...

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EUmatrix regularly organises executive training sessions for professionals interacting with the European Commission. The next online session is scheduled on Monday, the 5th of June (15.00 - 17.30 CET...

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