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We have collected the names of the new members of the different committees in the European Parliament and elaborated the stats on the representation of different segments of the EU population.

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We have gathered the names of almost all elected MEPs, as well as their professional and political background and their views on a wide range of policies.

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Doru Peter Frantescu, CEO and Founder of EU Matrix, has been recently invited as a keynote speaker on the significance of the results of the 2024 European Parliament elections for the future of the EU...

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As we’re getting close to the June EP2024 elections it is becoming clear that the groups to the right of the EPP, namely ECR and ID, will gain a significant number of seats.

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Take the quiz that shows you which MEPs are most aligned to your policy preferences! This innovative project was developed by the EUI (Florence) and EUmatrix

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This analysis by measures the influence that Members of the European Parliament have exerted over EU policy since the beginning of the current Parliamentary term (July 2019- February 2024)...

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This is an overview of the level of influence that each national group has exerted in the European Parliament (proportionally to their size) during the 2019-2024 EP term.

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We are now organising training sessions to help other organisations optimise their own resources and save their staff's precious time to focus more on the human-centric part of the work.

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We currently provide the most wanted info-pack about the EP2024 elections to a wide range of institutional and socio-economic stakeholders. Our subscribers have now switched from the guessing and fire...

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