Our work presented in the media

Our work presented in the media

We are regularly providing top quality analyses for the international and local media on how the EU decision-makers are shaping policies or broader developments in the European society. Here are a few examples.

Euronews regularly interviews Doru P. Frantescu, CEO&founder of EUmatrix, for example:

July 2024: Dutch paper NRC referred to EUmatrix in its article "The new EU parliament is bigger, more male and more right-wing"

June 2024: Polish news portal RMF24 quoted Davide Ferrari, head of research at EUmatrix, in the article "Poles' weak influence in the European Parliament"

June 2024: Swedish paper Dagens Industri mentions EUmatrix in the article "The Swedes make little difference in parliament"

May 2024: Reuters featured EUmatrix projections in the article "Europe's battered Green movement tries to salvage climate agenda"

May 2024: Portuguese paper Expresso quoted Davide Ferrari, head of research at EUmatrix, in the article "Huge renovation will reduce Portugal's influence in the European Parliament"

May 2024: Agence Europe published the news brief "EU Matrix research platform predicts turnover of more than half of European Parliament"

May 2024: Bulgarian newspaper Capital (Капитал) published the article "After the elections: what the new European Parliament will look like" featuring EUmatrix' analysis.

March 2024: EUmatrix' projections were featured in the report by The German Marshall Fund: "What’s at Stake in the EU Elections: The Rise of the Hard Right".

November 2023: Euractiv quoted Davide Ferrari, head of research at EUmatrix, in a report analyzing the internal level of cohesion of the Renew Europe group and the stance of FDP in the group.

July 2023: Bulgarian newspaper Dnevnik (Дневник), published the article “Germans are the most influential in the European Parliament, a Bulgarian is in the top 100”, regarding MEPs influence, quoting a ranking done by EUmatrix and mentioning that “EUmatrix emphasize that their assessment is based on concrete actions (the activities undertaken by MEPs and their achievements), as opposed to the subjective perceptions of the public or their colleagues.”

July 2023Doru P. Frantescu was interviewed by the Romanian Public Broadcaster TVR+ in the “Europa mea” on political debate around the Green Deal and the upcoming 2024 European Parliament elections.

May 2023: the Danish online newspaper Altinget, referred to EUmatrix in an article about the future of the EU commissioners, stating that “The think tank EU Matrix has reviewed the chances of the current EU commissioners remaining after the elections to the European Parliament in spring 2024. More than half end up in the categories "Difficult" or "Unlikely", in the assessment of whether they can/will remain.

May 2023: Maltese media Newsbook quoted EUmatrix in the article “Metsola, Agius Saliba ranked among 100 most influential MEPs” .

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