Training: how to use AI to facilitate processing and creation of information. Save your time and stress!

Training: how to use AI to facilitate processing and creation of information. Save your time and stress!

The arrival of generative AI is a game-changer for how we will work with (and perceive) information from now on. Whether we use it to collect and interpret documents, or to create info-materials, employing AI to do the most tedious part of our work will save us a dramatic amount of time and energy. As always, there are risks and opportunities to be aware of.

At EUmatrix we have already integrated AI tools in our regular work and this allows us to process and create information at substantially increased speed and quality - while having less stress!

We are now organising training sessions to help other organisations optimise their own resources and save their staff's precious time to focus more on the human-centric part of the work.

Concretely, during our training we will show you how the AI "thinks" and how it works, and how to use or customise your own AI tools in order to conduct:

  • Documents’ analysis: extraction of key points from a legislative document, position paper, speech, etc;
  • Collection of documents from external sources (news, institutional);
  • Stakeholders mapping: create tools that easily find and process the information from your own databases or external sources and provide summarised reports; 
  • Creation of info-materials: articles, speeches, presentations, images, videos. As an example, check out our AI-made presentation of the training

Depending on your interest, we organise private sessions for the staff of an organisation or you can take part as an individual in joint session with other organisations. Feel free to manifest your interest by filling this form and we will get back to you with a proposal.

Register by clicking HERE.



Nominated top influencer in the EU Capital for providing "a data-driven crystal ball to navigate systemic changes in EU" (Politico) is an independent research institute adapted to the digital age, which combines political expertise with data-driven analysis to provide accurate and objective reports.

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