Reform of the EU (Franco-German proposal): where does each political party stand? (Analysis)

Reform of the EU (Franco-German proposal): where does each political party stand? (Analysis)

The Franco-German proposal of restructuring the European structures into 4 concentric circles is triggering a new reflection on the reform of the EU. Our brief looks into the level of traction that the proposals included in this report are likely to get among the political parties across the continent.

At this point sufficient national parties support strengthening the European institutions in general by extending QMV to most areas. However, the support for creating complex multi-layered structures in the immediate future is not yet there.

Our specialized matrix allows us to spot who are the federalists, who are the staunchest Eurosceptics and who is in between. You can easily spot striking differences between the political groups, but also nuances within the centrist factions.

The analysis is based on the voting behaviour of MEPs on key amendments and paragraphs that addressed the restructuring of the EU, all of which can also be fully checked by scrolling down in the same pages.

Here you can see the position of all MEPs

Here you can see the position of all national parties represented in the European Parliament.


You can also find a similar analysis of the positioning of MEPs and parties on: Regulation of markets within the EU. 


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